Rock Auger Bit For Sinking Borehole

Rock Auger Bit For Sinking Borehole

There are many ways that rock auger bits can be used, especially when it comes to drilling activities. These bits are designed to provide incredible performance in the most demanding conditions. That is why they are highly recommended by the foundation drilling, borehole drilling amongst other intense digging activities.

There are many reasons why you need to consider rock auger bit for borehole sinking. But why are these bits highly recommended for this kind of drilling? Well, we have rounded up some of the reasons that make rock auger bits the most preferred for borehole sinking.

Before that, let’s look at the key features and properties that makes rock auger bit stand out from most of the cutter tools. First, these tools are constructed from high-quality materials. For the tip, these bits are constructed from tungsten carbide material. The body is alloy steel material while the joint is brazing tungsten carbide. These are just some of the features and properties that make these parts stand out from the rest.

Here are some of the main reasons why should use rock auger bit for borehole sinking.

High Performance

One of the reasons why rock auger bits are popular in the drilling industry is high performance. Unlike most of the cuter tools in the market, they are designed with incredible features that enable them to deliver in demanding conditions. That is why they can offer high performance, even demanding conditions such as bore file sinking. The tungsten carbide tip is one of the reasons why these cutter bits offers incredibly high performance. So you can expect to finish your drilling activities faster if you are using rock auger bits.

High Productivity

When it comes to productivity in the drilling industry, it is all about the depth or the size of the hole that has been drilled. So the bigger the size of the hole drilled, the higher is the productivity. That is what you get from rock auger bit. Due to their high performance, you are guaranteed to get high productivity. So with these cutter bits, you will be enjoying incredibly high productivity.

Reduced Cost of Running the Machine

The quality of cutter tools significantly impacts the cost of running your drilling project. With quality rock auger bits, you will spend less on the machine maintenance. You will have less repair and replacements to carry out. That is how you end up with more profits compared to using typical drilling bits.

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